Lexis Média
Visit WebsiteRethink traditional Medias
We were commissioned by Quebecor's Lexis Media to create a unified web platform allowing the newspaper giant to manage, altogether, the journalistic content of more than 10 regionals and locals paper news.
This project also required the complete remake of every concerned regional paper news website; l’Hebdo Rive Nord, L’Action, L’Action d’Autray, Le Citoyen Val d’Or – Amos, Le Citoyen Rouyn – Lasarre, Le Gatineau Express, La Petite Nation, Le Bulletin, Info07, L’Avantage Gaspésien, L’Avantage Rimouski et L’Avant-Poste.
- AMP technology for mobiles
- Article redaction’s Modules
- Multiples access levels
- Business Repertory
- Images managing system
- Publicities system management
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Client's goal
- Offering to their clients the possibility to consult all of their local news on a simple, nice and easy platform.
- Optimized the SEO of the journalistic articles to increase the traffic on the different news websites.
- Increase incomes by offering new and rethought publicity formats
- Put forward the new branded images of each of the regional newspapers.